
Video Edition notes on OpenBSD

       827 words, 4 minutes

To create the “OpenBSD Workstation for the People PeerTube” video, I used KDEnlive on OpenBSD. But for reasons, I also had to use other tools.

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OpenBSD Workstation for the People

       1848 words, 9 minutes

This is an attempt at building an OpenBSD desktop than could be used by newcomers or by people that don’t care about tinkering with computers and just want a working daily driver for general tasks. Somebody will obviously need to know a bit of UNIX but we’ll try to limit it to the minimum.

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The remote OpenBSD 5.1 desktop

       380 words, 2 minutes

I already post on using VNC to connect to a remote OpenBSD 4.9 server . I’m just gonna write a short refresh while configuring a brand new OpenBSD 5.1 i386 workstation on my ESXi 5.

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Using NetBSD as a Gnome workstation

       841 words, 4 minutes

After a quick review of OpenBSD as a workstation, I wanted to see what NetBSD was like. I’ve used NetBSD quite a lot for both servers and workstations. But since I got my MacBook Pro, two years ago, I only use NetBSD as servers. So I’m gonna have a look at NetBSD 5.1 and see if I could give this to my daughter.

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Using OpenBSD as a workstation

       1974 words, 10 minutes

With the upcoming release of OpenBSD 4.9 and my previous testings with SOGo, I decided to give it a try as a workstation environment. I used OpenBSD for quite a while ; but this was decades before. If I’m right, this was about 2002. I was using stuff like WindowMaker, Sylpheed-Claws or Mutt (depending on the day mood), Mozilla or Lynx and XMMS. At this time, I was a SysAdmin so this was perfect are far from enough compared to Windows 2000. But nowadays, I’m a father storing loads photos and rendering personal week-end movies. I’m still a bit of a g33k ; after all, who would blog on using such OS… But let’s see if Open Source software can do the trick.

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