After creating and editing my Website from scratch with Vim, I used Dokuwiki for quite a long time. Then came the Facebook time. This is when I switched to some more hypee tool. I choosed WordPress.
One nice thing WordPress provides, except from full HTTP management, is automatic configuration and updates.
Here’s how I installed it on OpenBSD.Continue reading...
On my way to converting articles from Dokuwiki to WordPress, I discovered that the latter had issues with HTML code rendering.Continue reading...
Après plusieurs centaines d’heure de recherche (si si…), j’ai enfin trouvé un thème WordPress qui me convienne. Bien entendu, je vais modifier un ou deux petits trucs, mais il convient à 90% :-)Continue reading...
By default, WordPress uses “?p=123” like URL.
Those aren’t really pretty and probably not easily useable from web crawler bots… So let’s enhanced this a bit.Continue reading...