Since my Web site was created, it ran various rendering software ; each of those generated URL that Google sometimes seems to remember. Many of those URL aren’t relevant nowadays ; although the information may still be there on the Web site.
Here’s how I deal with the “404: Page not found” error on WordPress:Continue reading...
Last time I moved my (WordPress) Web site, I started from scratch ; mostly because I did a lot of testings on the previous instance. Anyway… On the “News” page, I use the HungryFEED plugin to aggregate on a single page the few RSS feeds I daily read. Some are written in English and some are French. Since I moved the WP instance, the accented words were messy.Continue reading...
The permalinks have been configured to work with Lighttpd here .
Now, if you want to do it with Apache (here the 1.3.29 OpenBSD patched version), here are the directions.Continue reading...
If you want WordPress to force TLS encryption for the admin part of the site, then:Continue reading...
Hein ? Guoi ? Bais c’est boi… Gommandant Midchel…
Non non, mon clavier n’a pas chopé un rhume empêchant ainsi WordPress de reconnaitre mon mot de passe… C’est juste que j’ai suivi le conseil de “WP - Database Security” et remplacé le préfixe wp_ de mes tables WP par quelque chose de plus… sécurisé différent.
Bref, tout se passe bien jusqu’au moment où je veux me logguer sur l’interface d’admin. C’est là que surgit alors “Vous n’avez pas les droits suffisants pour accéder à cette page.”Continue reading...