
Windows Server 2008 as a workstation

       101 words, 1 minutes

Quick notes on howto to install Windows Server 2008 as a workstation on Dell XPS M1330.

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Check duplex (auto-negociation) on Windows

       95 words, 1 minutes

The ipconfig doesn’t print the result of auto-negociation. At least on Windows XP SP2 and Windows Se7en.

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Windows Server 2003 as a workstation

       181 words, 1 minutes

Those are my quick notes on how to convert a Windows Server 2003 installation into a workstation instance:

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Antivirus online

       110 words, 1 minutes

Q : Tu connaitrais pas un antivirus en ligne ? C’est pour scanner mon ordinateur sans rien installer. R : Bah si ; fallait commencer par pas installer WinBlows… :p

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