
WindowMaker 2024 - Graphite Light theme

       484 words, 3 minutes

It is 2024 and people are still using Window Maker, the X11 window manager that reproduces the elegant look and feel of the NeXTSTEP user interface . One of them does not live in 1997 any more and has an irresistible love for flat themes.

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Automatic Display switch for OpenBSD laptop

       1776 words, 9 minutes

Most of my workstations are laptops. But because “age”, they are connected to an external 27" 4K monitor. It is used as my primary display and the laptop’s screen is disabled. And as I use WindowMaker as my daily window manager, I sometimes blank myself when I unplug the USB-C cable from the laptop. There must be a way to automatically switch to the proper display when some USB-C monitors are (dis)connected… Other than switching to using Xfce, KDE, Gnome and other DEs that already implement this feature.

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Sweet Mars inspired theme for WindowMaker

       253 words, 2 minutes

I’m not a huge fan of dark UI themes. Mostly because day light makes them difficult to use and because I find them to be not contrasted enough. That said, Sweet, by EliverLara, looks great and I decided to give it a try on WindowMaker.

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WindowMaker theme inspired by Windows 10

       168 words, 1 minutes

Because I’m a terrible person, I themed my beloved WindowMaker to look like Windows 10. Because it’s fun and possible, somehow.

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Give WindowMaker a macos Mojave look

       1098 words, 6 minutes

Once again, I was wandering on r/unixporn when a screenshot raised my attention. It was probably featuring a obscure window manager that I would never use but I felt like I could tune my beloved WindowMaker to not look so 1990.

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