I’ve been using Rubywarden to store and access my passwords from OpenBSD workstations and iOS toys. But recent redondant failures from the iOS App and rubywarden not being maintained anymore led to the need for a new solution.
I was investing on pass+pgp+git but it was quite complex. Following a toot from Solene@, I tried KeePassXC and it does cover my requirements:
Access and manage passwords from iOS devices ; Filling credentials in iOS apps ; Accessible and manageable from an OpenBSD and MacOS workstation.Continue reading...
Synology is kind enough to allow remote SSH connection to their NAS. I have enabled it on my DS409slim. But there is just one little missing feature: sFTP ; that is transfer file via SSH.
To enable sFTP with DSM 4.0, log on the Synology using SSH, manually enable the sftp subsystem and restart the SSH dæmon:
# vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config (...) Subsystem sftp internal-sftp -f DAEMON -l VERBOSE (...) # /usr/syno/etc/rc.d/S95sshd.sh restart Stop SSH... Connection to syno closed by remote host. Unfortunately, that last command never restarted the SSH daemon… Just log on the Web interface, browse to the configuration panel and, from the “Terminal” section, select “Enable the SSH service”. This will restart the SSH dæmon and give you access to sFTP transfer too.Continue reading...