
FreeBSD 9 booting from a 3 disks ZFS

       857 words, 5 minutes

I already managed to boot FreeBSD from ZFS ; a single disk ZFS pool. Now, let’s see how to boot FreeBSD-9-RELEASE from a ZFS pool made of 3 disks using RAIDZ configuration. I used the FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso CD-ROM image.

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ZFS root using Debian GNU/kFreeBSD

       645 words, 4 minutes

For a while now FreeBSD had ZFS included. Since 8.x, revision 28 is available. The thing is, I don’t really like the FreeBSD package management ; but I love Debian’s one. Here’s the way to provide a stable Kernel with a decent system management on a powerful filesystem. The installation is done on a virtual machine. The multiple disk configuration has no really use here either than looking at how to do it.

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