Qnap Ts-453mini
Because I was unpleased with power management using QTS 4.3beta, I decided to see what Synology DSM would do on the QNAP TS-453mini. I installed DSM 5 using XPEnology. It’s not clear if that’s legal or not. But as it is just there to decide if I keep the QNAP or buy a real Syno… :)Continue reading...
I wanted to share users authentication and permissions between the QNAP TS-453mini and my OpenBSD servers. An option is to enable and manage LDAP server on the QNAP and configure OpenBSD 6.0 to authenticate the users on the remote LDAP service.Continue reading...
QTS 4.x and the App Center have many applications et services available for Qnap. But there don’t seem to be a stand-alone DNS service. DNS can be enabled when configuring QNAP as a Domain Controller but -1- I don’t need a DC -2- that feature seems to go down quite often. So let’s run the good old BIND boy.Continue reading...
It’s been a couple of weeks since I received my QNAP TS-453mini, aimed to replace Synology DS403slim. After looking at QTS, I went to check various OSes to run it. Mostly because QTS looks too fat to me. Mainly because I want ZFS storage. Probably because I’m a BSD guy. At last, I decided to run FreeNAS on it.Continue reading...