
Upgrade encrypted OpenBSD to 6.2 in Vultr hosting

       590 words, 3 minutes

Because OVH hosting is damm slow, I tested Vultr hosting (because they are *BSD friendly). I first tried OpenBSD 6.2-beta, then upgraded to 6.2. Of course, root is encrypted. Here’re my notes.

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Let’s Encrypt Apache using OpenBSD

       321 words, 2 minutes

The other day, I discovered that my StartSSL certificate was not trustable anymore. That caused one of my vhost to display the Your connection is not secure alert page. Here’s how I switched to Let’s Encrypt using Apache 2.4 and OpenBSD 6.1.

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Check PHP OPcache usage

       115 words, 1 minutes

I wondered how my enabled OPcache was used. An easy way to check is to use rlerdorf’s OPcache Status page.

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Get your own Git Server using OpenBSD

       525 words, 3 minutes

When you want to host your code using Git but want to keep it secret, you can setup a Git service on your OpenBSD server. You’re then able to access it through the Wild Wild Web using SSH and don’t have to pay GitHub to expect privacy.

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OAMP – Apache using FastCGI Process Manager on OpenBSD

       531 words, 3 minutes

Once upon a time, there was a way to run PHP with Apache on OpenBSD using the php-*-ap2 package. At that time, OpenBSD shipped with home-patched Apache 1.3 and provided Apache 2.x as a package. Since then, Apache 1.x was dropped from base, replaced with httpd(8) and ports gave the opportunity to run either Apache 1.x or Apache 2.x. This is when PHP packages and Apache 2.x became quite a pain in the ass to use. Thanks to the ports, one could deal with it. But binary PHP packages are not built this way. One way to get PHP and Apache is to use FastCGI. Here’s how to run the OAMP 6.0.

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