OpenBSD highly enables chrooting daemons. I try to do it as much as possible. But lazy software sometime fail to work out of the box. Here’s my notes to enable sending email via chroot PHP (in my case, hear WordPress).Continue reading...
In a “get pretty graphs” mood, I’m looking at what can be done regarding OpenBSD monitoring using the CollectD collector and Grafana dashboard renderer. OpenBSD 6.2-current provides InfluxDB and Grafana packages. A great stack for pretty reportings.Continue reading...
Imil wrote as niceĀ 5 minutes collectd + facette setup article using NetBSD. After a quick look in the ports, I saw it was possible to monitor OpenBSD using Collectd and Facette too. Hang tight, it only takes seconds to achieve.Continue reading...
On OpenBSD, Monit seems to natively run as root ; maybe on other systems too. Anyway, I’d rather have it running as a non-root user. It’s not that difficult to achieve. Here’s how.Continue reading...
Because OVH hosting is damm slow, I tested Vultr hosting (because they are *BSD friendly). I first tried OpenBSD 6.2-beta, then upgraded to 6.2. Of course, root is encrypted. Here’re my notes.Continue reading...