The Internet is full of Ads and Trackers. Some of them are useful to monetize free content. Some are used in a non-ethical manner. Savvy users will configure Ad-Blocker on their Web browser. Others won’t. Most Appliance and IoT modules won’t allow third-party blocking addons.
Here’s how to add an extra layer of privacy using OpenBSD and its unbound(8) DNS resolver.Continue reading...
Running OpenBSD on the laptop makes is safe by default. But encrypting the storage of the OpenBSD laptop makes it even safer. This is how my ThinkPad X230i gets encrypted and won’t boot without the proper USB thumb drive plugged in.Continue reading...
Following Telegraf official, I could compile and run Telegraf on OpenBSD . Due to my lack of knowledge on Go, this turned to be a quite instable method. Some Telegraf release would compile, some not. Anyway, thanks to Landry@, it is now possible to use Telegraf from OpenBSD ports.Continue reading...
I use to use NetBSD quite a lot. From 2.0 to 6.99. But for some reasons, I stopped using it about 2012, in favor of OpenBSD. Reading on the new 8 release, I wanted to see if all the things I didn’t like on NetBSD were gone. Here is a personal Pros / Cons list. No Troll, hopefully. Just trying to be objective.Continue reading...
Since I started using *N?X, I’ve regularly used WindowMaker. I’ve always liked the look and feel, the dock system and the dockapps. It may look a bit oldish nowadays. And that’s enough to try to change this. So here it is, a 2019 flavored WindowMaker Desktop, running on OpenBSD 6.4/amd64.Continue reading...