
(sys)Upgrade encrypted OpenBSD 6.5 to 6.6 on Vultr hosting

       226 words, 2 minutes

I run an OpenBSD instance with encrypted root on Vultr VPS since v6.2. It has never been reinstalled. I only used the OpenBSD native upgrade methods. Using 6.5, I used sysupgrade(8). And it went as smooth as expected.

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A NomadBSD look for OpenBSD

       215 words, 2 minutes

The other day, I stumbled upon NomadBSD ; a live system for USB drives. I don’t use FreeBSD… but I liked to look of that “(…) desktop system that works out of the box (…)”. So I decided to give a little make up to my already-running-out-of-the-box OpenBSD.

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Protect the ESXi virtual machines with OpenBSD

       813 words, 4 minutes

I own a server at which now runs VMware ESXi free edition. The thing is VMs have to access the Wild Wild Web and provide public services while still being protected. So let’s configure OpenBSD to do so.

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syspatch(8) and /tmp sizing

       170 words, 1 minutes

On my new OpenBSD servers, I decided to use memory filesystem for /tmp. After looking at old servers usage, I decided that 64M of memory space would be enough. # grep mfs /etc/fstab swap /tmp mfs rw,nodev,nosuid,-s=64m 0 0 And that seemed well sized. Until I ran syspatch(8) and got a whole bunch of errors:

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Running Arch Linux using OpenBSD vmd(8)

       727 words, 4 minutes

I had difficulties running Linux as a virtual machine using OpenBSD vmd(8). Ubuntu LTS crashed during installation wizard, Debian 9 does not seem to ship with virtio drivers, Alpine randomly freezes the console and Slackware … well slack has not been updated in years. Arch Linux seems to run well. And as I didn’t find a complete guide to install and run it using OpenBSD vmd(8), here are my notes.

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