A year ago, I wrote about multibooting Windows, Linux and OpenBSD on my laptop. Since then, lots have happened. The most relevant part is that Linux is gone and I only multiboot Windows and OpenBSD.
If I had done it from the beginning, I would have used rEFInd rather than Grub. And here’s how.Continue reading...
To create the “OpenBSD Workstation for the People PeerTube” video, I used KDEnlive on OpenBSD.
But for reasons, I also had to use other tools.Continue reading...
This is an attempt at building an OpenBSD desktop than could be used by newcomers or by people that don’t care about tinkering with computers and just want a working daily driver for general tasks.
Somebody will obviously need to know a bit of UNIX but we’ll try to limit it to the minimum.Continue reading...
I bought a Topton GM1 Industrial Mini PC for my HomeLab. It is aimed at running Slackware Linux but I wanted to have a quick look at how well BSD OSes support it out-of-the-box.Continue reading...
After a whole lot of YouTubing, I decided to get a NuPhy Field75 . I went for the Electro (Green and Grey) edition. This is my kinda-review of the mechanical keyboard from the POV of a ThinkPad keyboard long-lover and French user of OpenBSD as a desktop.Continue reading...