Since NetBSD 5.1, a special image is generated for i386 and amd64 architecture. This is called “memstick”.Continue reading...
I run my production virtual machines on NetBSD/xen. But I’m doing all the testings on VMware Fusion.
Last week, I wanted to grab my production machine and tweak it from my testing environment. Here’s how to convert and use a xen disk image on VMware software:Continue reading...
It’s now been two days I’m running TuM’Fatig on my Dell Inspiron Mini 10 . The AIRIS N1110 has died so I just took the RAM and disk out of it and plug both in the Mini. Just modify the ifconfig files and here we go.Continue reading...
Last time I moved my (WordPress) Web site, I started from scratch ; mostly because I did a lot of testings on the previous instance. Anyway… On the “News” page, I use the HungryFEED plugin to aggregate on a single page the few RSS feeds I daily read. Some are written in English and some are French. Since I moved the WP instance, the accented words were messy.Continue reading...
Learn more about SOGo here .
Quickly sumed up, SOGo is a kind of middleware that will provide Web, CalDAV and CardDAV access to you e-mail and web clients. You can check my NetBSD and OpenBSD articles to see how to build the backend Mail/Directory/SQL services. Once this is done, you can plug SOGo on to this architecture and provide E-Mail, Calendar, AddressBook to your users via mobile phones and mail clients.
I’ll describe here how to setup the sogod backend onto Debian GNU/Linux and the Web frontend onto NetBSD.Continue reading...