
Quick ZFS note on NetBSD 7.0

       369 words, 2 minutes

I was thinking of building a ZFS NAS with NetBSD 7.0.

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Monitor NetBSD with Munin

       557 words, 3 minutes

This article is about monitoring NetBSD with Munin, using munin-node. I already configured a running munin-server on OpenBSD ; so I could simply use it to graph my NetBSD metrics. Here’s, we’ll go through installing both node and server on NetBSD. ATTOW, pkgsrc provides Munin v1.3.x. So I’m gonna build munin-node from pkgsrc-wip. Once this is done, proceed to installation and configuration on the node to be monitored:

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NetBSD and SpeedStep on the Atom N450

       293 words, 2 minutes

My Dell Inspiron Mini 10 ships with an Intel Atom N450. Right now, TuM’Fatig is running on an USB disk plugged in the XPS M1330. So the Mini is in testing mode. Today was the day when I checked the status of NetBSD’s SpeedStep implementation on N450. Sadly, NetBSD 5.1_STABLE still does not support it ; NetBSD 5.99.55 knows about it though.

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Tune MySQL on NetBSD and OpenBSD

       151 words, 1 minutes

For quite a few days now, in my “optimize than damm WordPress” quest, I’m playing with Ubuntu, NetBSD and OpenBSD in (VMware Fusion) virtual machines and spare hardware I have. One of the idea is to optimize MySQL on those systems. The MySQL configuration file in named my.cnf and is not located in the same place on every systems…

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SpeedStep on NetBSD/xen

       470 words, 3 minutes

When you boot NetBSD/xen, you don’t get SpeedStep anymore. At least, on NetBSD 5.1, as of 2011-07-14. Some job have been done in 2009 but wasn’t kept in the sources. Check Add Intel SpeedStep and AMD PowerNow! support in Xen dom0 for more informations.

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