
Switch vSphere Client language on Windows 7

       53 words, 1 minutes

I installed the VMware vSphere 5 Client in French on my Windows 7 virtual machine. Since I wanted to take screenshots, I had to start it in English. Even when not installed in English, you can still run the English version.

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Let OpenBSD speak french

       58 words, 1 minutes

Nowadays, most free software is localized. I don’t really care about using a french GUI but it sometime helps to automatically set tools like spellcheckers. Here’s the variables set I use so that most of my (graphical) applications speak french on OpenBSD (5.0): # vi .profile LANG=fr_FR.UTF-8 MM_CHARSET=UTF-8 LC_ALL=$LANG LC_COLLATE=POSIX; export LANG MM_CHARSET LC_ALL LC_COLLATE Voilà, c’est fait.

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