
A Terminal Status Bar updated

       653 words, 4 minutes

In 2020, I stole @gonzalo’s idea for a status bar using only XTerm and stock OpenBSD tools. I wrote about it there . In 2024, I was notified (Hi Fox) of a flickering issue in the rendering process. So here’s an updated version of the script.

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From Clean & Green Mockup to OpenBSD cwm(1) desktop

       604 words, 3 minutes

If the words CGA or Hercules raise sweet memories from your far away youth, the Mockup Clean & Green from u/awareofdistractions may hit you right in the heart. And if you like it so much, it may be used for real-life desktop environment using OpenBSD stock and ports material.

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A simple shell status bar for OpenBSD and cwm(1)

       810 words, 4 minutes

These days, I try to use simple and stock software as much as possible on my OpenBSD laptop. I’ve been playing with cwm(1) for weeks and I was missing a status bar. After trying things like Tint2, Polybar etc, I discovered @gonzalo’s termbar . Thanks a lot! As I love scripting, I decided to build my own.

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