I was lucky enough to attend to EuroBSDCon 2023 and offered the opportunity to talk about one of my favorite OpenBSD stock daemon: relayd(8).
The talk was recorded and made available on the EuroBSDCon YouTube channel. . One may check the EuroBSDCon 2023 program for more material.
This post attempts a reboot of the slides content in a more browser-friendly format.Continue reading...
Those are my notes about installing OpenBSD 7.2 on the ODROID-HC4 ; an arm64 board that provides SATA slots. It is quite straightforward to install, once you get the ordered steps.Continue reading...
I used a refurbished ThinkPad X230i to run my Nextcloud instance and provide rsnapshot/Samba/TimeMachine services. It was mostly nice but tend to freeze from time to time ; maybe more and more… So I decided it should be replaced.
I seeked for something silent (I can’t stand fan noise), small (has to fit in a 33cm KALLAX-like cabinet) and capable of providing enough storage. Hopefully, or not, @FanlessTech tweeted about the MeLe Quieter2 machine around 2021/08. Since then, I kept lurking at it. And I finally got one on last Black Friday.Continue reading...