305 words, 2 minutes

https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-install-mastodon-social-network-with-docker-on-ubuntu-1804/#step-install-docker https://alien.slackbook.org/blog/slackware-cloud-server-series-episode-7-decentralized-social-media/ rm -r /home/containers/mastodon mkdir -p /home/containers/mastodon/{postgresql,redis,public/system,els} chown -R 991:991 /home/containers/mastodon/public mkdir -p ~/sources/mastodon-local && cd ~/sources/mastodon-local wget -O docker-compose.yml.orig https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/raw/main/docker-compose.yml wget https://github.com/mastodon/mastodon/raw/main/docker-compose.yml vim docker-compose.yml wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mastodon/mastodon/main/.env.production.sample cp .env.production.sample .env.production docker-compose build generate passwords tr -dc ‘[:alnum:]’ </dev/urandom | fold -w 20 | head -n 5 docker run –rm –name postgres-bootstrap -v /home/containers/mastodon/postgresql:/var/lib/postgresql/data -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=“pH8zwxLqpRRISGngF5bG” -d postgres:14-alpine docker exec -it postgres-bootstrap psql -U postgres (…) postgres=# CREATE USER mastodon WITH PASSWORD ’noaFFyTCW7ghG0P8haL4’ CREATEDB; exit CREATE ROLE postgres-# \q

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       106 words, 1 minutes

Transfert photos from iPhone to SFTP server $ ssh-keygen -C "PhotoSync access key" -t ed25519 -f ~/.ssh/photosync # groupadd -g 4010 photosync # usermod -G photosync ptijo # useradd -m -c "PhotoSync Joel Carnat" -d /home/photosync/ptijo -g photosync -s /sbin/nologin -u 4000 $(date | sha512 | cut -c 1-14) # chmod 0770 /home/photosync/ptijo # install -D -g photosync -m 0644 -o d645a1022127e9 ~ptijo/.ssh/photosync.pub ~d645a1022127e9/.ssh/authorized_keys # /etc/ssh/sshd_config # rcctl reload sshd !

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