[ Windows 7 ] – I'm the king of the world!

       38 words, 1 minutes

Here’s a trick that will provide you with a Windows XP/2003-like Control Panel: Right-click on the desktop and select “New » Folder” ; Rename the folder GodMode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}: ; Double-click on it to open. Source: Windows 7: God Mode

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Install Xymon on NetBSD

       700 words, 4 minutes

These are my notes on compiling and installing Xymon (Hobbitmon renamed) on NetBSD.

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NetBSD on Mac mini (PPC)

       1202 words, 6 minutes

Here’re a few quick and dirty notes that describe how to install NetBSD on a Mac mini machine.

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Memory Limits for Windows Releases

       169 words, 1 minutes

This is a quick summary of memory limitations for Microsoft Windows releases that I often have to deal with:

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Récupération de données

       141 words, 1 minutes

Q : “Euh… comment je fais pour récupérer les données qui était sur le disque dur (ou la clé USB) que je viens d’effacer, de formater, de faire tomber ?”. A : “Bah… t’as pas fait de sauvegarde ?” Q : “Fait quoi ?” A : “Non rien… Laisse tomber ; file dans ta chambre !”

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