Téléphone DECT GAP et Freebox Revolution

       319 words, 2 minutes

En prévision de l’arrivée de la fibre Free (FTTH) sur ma Freebox Révolution et du déménagement du “Server” dans le placard de l’entrée, il me faut brancher un téléphone sans fil qui va résider sur la table du salon. Pour ce faire, Free propose la téléphonie sans-fil au moyen du protocole GAP (Generic Access Profile).

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Tune MySQL on NetBSD and OpenBSD

       151 words, 1 minutes

For quite a few days now, in my “optimize than damm WordPress” quest, I’m playing with Ubuntu, NetBSD and OpenBSD in (VMware Fusion) virtual machines and spare hardware I have. One of the idea is to optimize MySQL on those systems. The MySQL configuration file in named my.cnf and is not located in the same place on every systems…

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Monitoring with Munin on OpenBSD

       248 words, 2 minutes

Quoting it’s website, “Munin is a networked resource monitoring tool (…)”. It’s like Cacti but smaller, faster, … It is based on a client/server configuration. By default, you install the “client” part on the host you want to monitor and install the “server” part on the host that will keep the data and do the graphics. Here’s the way I installed, configured and run it on OpenBSD 4.9.

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SpeedStep on NetBSD/xen

       470 words, 3 minutes

When you boot NetBSD/xen, you don’t get SpeedStep anymore. At least, on NetBSD 5.1, as of 2011-07-14. Some job have been done in 2009 but wasn’t kept in the sources. Check Add Intel SpeedStep and AMD PowerNow! support in Xen dom0 for more informations.

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Switch Excel columns and rows

       102 words, 1 minutes

When using Excel to write down things, I often end thinking I’d rather have used another layout. Most of the time, I want to switch columns and rows to get a better “one-screen” view.

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