I installed NexentaStor Community 3.1.2 on my VMware ESXi 5.0 and wanted to get the VMware tools running ; mostly because I know there are tools for Solaris and it may improve the Administrator Experience.
The virtual machine is configured as “Oracle Solaris 11 (64-bit)” Guest OS. It has 2 vCPU and 4GB of RAM. There are also two Mapped Raw LUN attached to it. The VMware Tools installation is nearly straight forward.Continue reading...
Comme Max, je suis libre ; mais personne ne m’a jamais vu voler. Ceci étant dit, l’interface de gestion de compte Free Mobile possède depuis peu une option permettant de téléverser (c’est du Français pour dire “uploader”) un fichier audio et s’en servir comme message de répondeur.
Si vous aussi, plutôt que d’entendre votre voix dire “Bonjour, je n’suis pas là pour le moment mais vous pouvez me laisser un message après le Bip sonore” ou “Allo… Allo… Allo… Non, ne parlez pas encore, je ne suis pas là, c’est le répondeur. Parlez seulement après le Bip”, vous préférez accueillir vos interlocuteurs avec la voix de Jamel Debouzze, Astérix ou René la Taupe, alors ce billet (en anglais “post”) est pour vous.Continue reading...
Usually, when I want to connect to my LAN from the Wild Wild World, I use a VPN connexion. But there are times when it is not possible ; especially now that my work LAN has the same IP range as my home LAN… An alternate way to access my unpublished home services from outside is to use SSH tunnels.
What you need is an SSH server on the LAN that you want connect to. The SSH server has to be able to connect to the LAN server you aim to connect to. Then, all you have to do is a bit of “Port Forwarding”.Continue reading...
I have installed a custom firmware on my Asus Transformer TF101 to be able to use my 3G HSDPA USB adapter . It is running Android 3.2.1. Now that the Ice Cream Sandwich firmware (4.0) is released fot the TF101, it’s time to go back to the original, AKA stock, firmware and run the upgrade the “supported” way.
According to the forums, there are two ways of doing it. Either restore the bootloader and the firmware using the ClockworkMod or use a Windows/Linux workstation to erase and replace the whole system with the official system. I choose the second option as I didn’t understand how to run the first… and the second option is quite similar to the one I used when I rooted to tab.Continue reading...
For some reasons, I need to create a secondary administration network on my ESXi servers. As I don’t need the routing stuff, I thought I’d create IP aliases as I would do with any UNIX server. But on the ESXi, it is just no possible, AFAIK.
The solution is to create another VMkernel port, used for management, on the ESXi. As I don’t want to use any extra hardware, I’ll create the portgroup in the existing vSwitch. Here’s how.Continue reading...