I now have a (quite) powerfull server: Intel Core i5 with 4 cores and 16GB of RAM. I want to virtualize as many things as possible. So I installed the free VMware ESXi 5 on the physical server and started populating it with virtual machines. I have a main virtual machine that has been P2Ved and run on the local storage of the ESXi. Then I have a virtual Nexenta that accesses some raw disks of the physical server to populate the storage.
This is how to install and run a virtual ESXi 5.0.0 inside a physical ESXi 5.0.0 instance.Continue reading...
I already wrote about how to enable and configure SNMP on VMware ESXi 5 . But I was quite short on what you really get from SNMP. Here’s a bit more details.Continue reading...
Here’s a bunch of quick notes about installing Xymon on a Debian server using the tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server. It is not that complicated but there are a few things to tweak to have it running.Continue reading...
I never had issues with MIB files on my OpenBSD boxes but my new Debian 6 (Squeeze) system seem to not have the Management Information Base (MIB) files installed correctly.Continue reading...
Nexenta has SNMP capability. Configured from the Web interface, you can set the various communities for SNMP version. But there is more. You can improve it a lot using the Nexenta Management Console (NMC).Continue reading...