Here’s a bunch of quick notes about installing Xymon on a Debian server using the tiny/turbo/throttling HTTP server. It is not that complicated but there are a few things to tweak to have it running.Continue reading...
I never had issues with MIB files on my OpenBSD boxes but my new Debian 6 (Squeeze) system seem to not have the Management Information Base (MIB) files installed correctly.Continue reading...
Nexenta has SNMP capability. Configured from the Web interface, you can set the various communities for SNMP version. But there is more. You can improve it a lot using the Nexenta Management Console (NMC).Continue reading...
One of the missing feature in the free version of ESXi 5 is the ability to move Virtual Machines between Datastores (Storage vMotion) and/or ESXi servers (vMotion). There is, however, a way to move a Virtual Machine from one hypervisor to another or to use another storage space ; at the cost of VM outage duration.
Here’s a brief review of what can be done and how regarding Virtual Machine instances and storage migration.Continue reading...
I used to run all of my services on the same OpenBSD server. Now that I switched to a virtualized environment, I’m on the way to dispatch the services on various virtual machines. As I have issues with the family’s iPhones and the SOGo instance running on my OpenBSD gateway, I think it’s time to switch to an up-to-date version running elsewhere.
Here are the directions to publish a remote SOGo instance, here 1.3.13, with an OpenBSD Apache.Continue reading...