I already managed to boot FreeBSD from ZFS ; a single disk ZFS pool. Now, let’s see how to boot FreeBSD-9-RELEASE from a ZFS pool made of 3 disks using RAIDZ configuration.
I used the FreeBSD-9.0-RELEASE-amd64-dvd1.iso CD-ROM image.Continue reading...
I’m actually playing with a FreeBSD virtual instance on ESXi. I’m accessing the console from VMware vSphere client, running in a remote Windows XP instance that I access using TSE from my MacBook… A nice feature I saw on Debian is SSH remote installation.
Here’s how to install FreeBSD using a remote SSH connection.Continue reading...
I own a Buffalo LinkStation Mini that does nothing now that the Synology DS409slim owns my files. Because the LS Mini has two 500GB disks, I thought it might do a nice iSCSI target for my ESXi. The thing is: the stock firmware doesn’t offer iSCSI feature.
This is how I turned my LinkStation Mini into a iSCSI target for VMware, using Debian 6.Continue reading...
For a while now FreeBSD had ZFS included. Since 8.x, revision 28 is available. The thing is, I don’t really like the FreeBSD package management ; but I love Debian’s one. Here’s the way to provide a stable Kernel with a decent system management on a powerful filesystem.
The installation is done on a virtual machine. The multiple disk configuration has no really use here either than looking at how to do it.Continue reading...
I’m always looking at how to get informations from my I.T. systems ; although it often ends they do nothing…
Here’s a trick to monitor the disks temperature of a Synology NAS (DS409slim in my case).Continue reading...