Upgrade from SOGo 1.3.14 to 2.0.2 on Debian 6.0.2 (Squeeze)

       256 words, 2 minutes

Since I upgraded my iPhone to iOS 6, I get weird issues with the SOGo Calendar. Looking at the ChangeLog, it seems it’s time to upgrade. Here are the (really simple) directions to upgrade from SOGo 1.3.14 to 2.0.2 on Debian 6.0.2 (aka Squeeze).

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Running Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V inside ESXi 5.1

       181 words, 1 minutes

It is possible to run Windows Server 2012 Hyper-V inside a VMware ESXi 5.1, free edition. Using a “nested” hypervisor is not straight forward. Still it is quite simple.

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Upgrade ESXi from 5.0 to 5.1 without vCenter or Update Manager

       198 words, 1 minutes

Following the idea that ESXi can be updated without vCenter or Update Manager , I upgraded my ESXi from 5.0 to 5.1. As I don’t own a vCenter, I did it using the console and esxcli.

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FTP server on MacOS X Lion

       123 words, 1 minutes

Can’t remember why, but I needed to transfer files from my MacBook using FTP. There is no way to enable FTP from the System Preferences. But you can enable/disable it from the console: # sudo -s launchctl load -w /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/ftp.plist # netstat -na | grep LISTEN tcp6 0 0 *.21 *.* LISTEN tcp4 0 0 *.21 *.* LISTEN (...) Once enabled, you can log in using the usual user account. To disable the daemon, simply:

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Monitoring VMware vCenter Appliance with SNMP

       227 words, 2 minutes

VMware provides a vCenter (Linux) Appliance since vSphere 5. Unfortunately, the one shipping with 5.0 was a bit low on features. I am giving a try on v5.1 and it is far better. Except that SNMP in not enabled… I’ll keep the quick&dirty directions here. The source link is already quite complete.

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