I’ve been using Bind as a primary, slave or cache name server for all my IT life. But it seems Bind is being kicked out of OpenBSD. So far so good, I’m gonna use what’s provided by my favorite OS to do the job.
Here’s how to use nsd and unbound daemons to serve as an internal authoritative DNS nameserver and DNS resolver. Both will be running on the same machine.Continue reading...
My DS409slim is really slow since I faked it as a DS411j and installed DSM v5 on it. An option could be configuration issues. So I decided to reset the whole configuration. But I need to keep all that are stored on the SHR-RAID. It is quite straight forward. But here’s the no-so-short story.Continue reading...
Since I turned my DS409slim into a DS411j , I have access to DSM updates. So tonight, I upgraded from DSM 5.0-4528 Update 1 to 5.1-5004 using the update wizard. So far, everything went OK. On first reboot, I was recommended to keep my DSM up-to-date using automatic upgrade. As I don’t want my NAS to reboot while I’m working on it, I choose to “Download DSM updates but let me choose whether to install them”.Continue reading...
Looking at the DiskStation DS414slim, I discovered that DSM was now available in version 5. But it wasn’t available from the DSM 4.2 control panel on my DS409slim. After a few Internet diggings, I learned that it should be possible to install DSM5 on a DS409slim. The main trick is to fake another DS. Looking at CPUs in Synology’s NAS, you can see that DS409slim and DS411j share the same Marvell Kirkwood mv6281 CPU and 16-bit@DDR2 architecture. That’s the trick to be able to use DSM5 on DS409slim.Continue reading...
The other day, my Syno DS409slim started beeping. It turned out that two of the Toshiba MK1059GSM disks had SMART errors. I wanted to get some new but they are not available any more. After looking at my preferred e-shop, I finally went for Hitachi Travelstar 5K1000 (HTS541010A9E680). It is not listed in “What hard drive models are supported by Synology products?” page. But it seems to be working fine ; for a bit more than three weeks now.
Here’s a small summary about replacing the disks on Synology DS409slim using DSM 4.2 and SHR volume.Continue reading...