FreeNAS on QNAP TS-453mini

       283 words, 2 minutes

It’s been a couple of weeks since I received my QNAP TS-453mini, aimed to replace Synology DS403slim. After looking at QTS, I went to check various OSes to run it. Mostly because QTS looks too fat to me. Mainly because I want ZFS storage. Probably because I’m a BSD guy. At last, I decided to run FreeNAS on it.

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A geek look into QNAP TS-453mini with 16GB RAM

       1396 words, 7 minutes

I bought a QNAP TS-453mini in order to replace the good old Synology DS409slim. Not that it doesn’t work. It’s just that the 4x 1TB disks are nearly full. I was desperately waiting for bigger 2.5" capacity but this doesn’t seem to happen. Also, since I moved into a new place, I planned to also reduce the number of plugged)in stuff. Hence, the fanless OpenBSD server would either go in the Cloud or… on the QNAP virtualization software.

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Quick ZFS note on NetBSD 7.0

       369 words, 2 minutes

I was thinking of building a ZFS NAS with NetBSD 7.0.

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The Synology DiskStation Manager (DSM) in VMware ESXi

       459 words, 3 minutes

Looking for a option to replace my DS409slim, I discovered that it is possible to run the Synology system, aka DSM, on a simple VMware virtual machine. You’ll need a special boot loader from XPEnology and the stock Synology firmware.

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Using Munstrap, Munin’s theme, on OpenBSD

       185 words, 1 minutes

I don’t fancy much Munin’s default look. I tend to like layouts that fit on a single screen. That’s mainly why I used to use Xymon. But there is a Munin’s theme that turns the Web interface into something very clean to my eyes. And great news, it’s done so well that it also works on OpenBSD. Ready, steady, go!

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