I backup my MacBook using Time Machine. But the storage is available from a Linux (Ubuntu 16.04) workstation. Here’s how to publish some storage to provide backup space to the Mac.Continue reading...
Because I was unpleased with power management using QTS 4.3beta, I decided to see what Synology DSM would do on the QNAP TS-453mini. I installed DSM 5 using XPEnology. It’s not clear if that’s legal or not. But as it is just there to decide if I keep the QNAP or buy a real Syno… :)Continue reading...
Once upon a time, there was a way to run PHP with Apache on OpenBSD using the php-*-ap2 package. At that time, OpenBSD shipped with home-patched Apache 1.3 and provided Apache 2.x as a package. Since then, Apache 1.x was dropped from base, replaced with httpd(8) and ports gave the opportunity to run either Apache 1.x or Apache 2.x. This is when PHP packages and Apache 2.x became quite a pain in the ass to use. Thanks to the ports, one could deal with it. But binary PHP packages are not built this way. One way to get PHP and Apache is to use FastCGI. Here’s how to run the OAMP 6.0.Continue reading...
OVH provides very cheap IaaS. VPS 2016 SSD 1 costs about $3/month to get 1 vCPU, 2GB of RAM and 10GB of SSD storage. It is supposed to provide Linux only virtual machines. But one can achieve installation of OpenBSD with a little help from the Internet and a few cups of coffee. Here’re my notes.Continue reading...
I wanted to share users authentication and permissions between the QNAP TS-453mini and my OpenBSD servers. An option is to enable and manage LDAP server on the QNAP and configure OpenBSD 6.0 to authenticate the users on the remote LDAP service.Continue reading...