FreeBSD encrypted ZFS root in Vultr hosting

       185 words, 1 minutes

During some rclone thoughts and tries, I had to build a FreeBSD VM in the Cloud. Because I got a trial coupon from Vultr, I tried building a VM there. And because I come from OpenBSD, I looked a encrypting the FreeBSD root file-system. Here’s how I did it.

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Let’s Encrypt Apache using OpenBSD

       321 words, 2 minutes

The other day, I discovered that my StartSSL certificate was not trustable anymore. That caused one of my vhost to display the Your connection is not secure alert page. Here’s how I switched to Let’s Encrypt using Apache 2.4 and OpenBSD 6.1.

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Check PHP OPcache usage

       115 words, 1 minutes

I wondered how my enabled OPcache was used. An easy way to check is to use rlerdorf’s OPcache Status page.

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Get your own Git Server using OpenBSD

       525 words, 3 minutes

When you want to host your code using Git but want to keep it secret, you can setup a Git service on your OpenBSD server. You’re then able to access it through the Wild Wild Web using SSH and don’t have to pay GitHub to expect privacy.

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Let Mac OS auto-discover your SMB shares

       173 words, 1 minutes

Mac OS can mount and read SMB shares. But with Samba only, you have to tell the Mac where there are. With avahi-daemon, SMB shares will be automatically discovered.

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