Using tmux on Synology DSM

       124 words, 1 minutes

tmux is not available on Synology by default. But it only takes a command call to get it.

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Build a Unison package for Synology DSM

       508 words, 3 minutes

For reasons, I’m turning my Synology DS918+ on and start using it again. One thing I need is files synchronization with my OpenBSD laptop. There is no Synology Drive client for OpenBSD so I’ll keep using Unison . But there is no Unison client / server binary for DSM 7.2.1-69057 Update 4. Here’s how to compile and install the Unison File Synchronizer for Synology DSM 7.2.

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Manage your Mastodon blocked domains using cURL

       702 words, 4 minutes

I am no Dev and have nearly no clue on how to deal with APIs. But I am a SysAdmin. And where there’s a shell, there’s a way. So those are my notes on how to deal with Mastodon API using shell tools.

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Using the Kensington SlimBlade Pro TrackBall with OpenBSD

       762 words, 4 minutes

I remembered my Dad brought home a Logitech TrackBall years ago and I have not bad memories of it. As part of my recent desktop changes, I decided to try a TrackBall. Internet reviews seem to acknowledge the Kensington SlimBlade Pro TrackBall is one of the best devices out there. So I decided to try it with my OpenBSD laptop.

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Using the Logitech Wireless Rechargeable Touchpad T650 on OpenBSD

       974 words, 5 minutes

With my recent desk changes, I’m not using the ThinkPad keyboard and touchpad anymore. But I really like touchpads in general. So I got myself a refurbished Logitech Wireless Rechargeable Touchpad T650. Spoiler Alert: it works pretty well on OpenBSD.

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