Running Telegraf on OpenBSD

       398 words, 2 minutes

I tried to run InfluxData Telegraf on OpenBSD 6.2 but it wasn’t available in the Ports nor was I able to compile a binary from sources. But the latter has changed since I have an OpenBSD 6.3 instance running. Here’s how to compile and run Telegraf on OpenBSD.

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SMS alerts to Free Mobile using Synology

       277 words, 2 minutes

Synology DSM can be configured to send notifications on various events. It can use Email, SMS and Push Service. I usually use email notifications to check for status. But here’s how I configured SMS notification for critical events using the French mobile operator “Free Mobile”.

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Store the system logs in MariaDB

       841 words, 4 minutes

I’ve used Elasticsearch on OpenBSD to store my system logs for quite long now. And if it does the job, there are a few things I don’t like so much with it. I only used a single instance so I was warned about availability. But a sudden power outage had severe impact on my daily data. Way much more than what I expected from a Production-ready software. Rebuilding and re-indexing the data was a real pain in the ass. From time to time, I also get errors about indexing that seem to go away without doing nothing. The latter is probably due to my low memory server. But I want to store logs for only a couple of boxes. And I don’t want to reserve 4GB of RAM just for this. This “gimme more RAM” manner really annoys me. And as I also need RAM for Logstash (to parse the data and send them to Elasticsearch), this leads to way too much resources consumption. That said, I decided to test another way for storing the logs : using a RDBMS, namely MariaDB. I already have one running smooth. And I read Grafana was able to read data from it using SQL commands.

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Compress the MariaDB tables

       260 words, 2 minutes

This is just a quick note on how to enable MySQL / MariaDB compressed tables. As I plan to store lots of text, I’ll check later on if that’s usefull or not. But I guess it should.

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Running OpenBSD on Raspberry Pi 3

       1945 words, 10 minutes

Step 1 was getting my hands on Raspbian. Step 2 was running OpenBSD on the Raspberry Pi 3 Model B. I had quite a few try & fails but it booted, installed and ran properly in the end. Full story follows.

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