LDAP replication and CRYPT userPassword

       371 words, 2 minutes

I have just discovered some issues with my previous article on OpenLDAP replication between Synology DSM and OpenBSD OpenLDAP. In the end, it is not possible to log-in on the OpenBSD LDAP instance using the original userPassword. Short story: CRYPT seem to not be various-platform-compatible.

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LDAP replication between Synology DSM and OpenBSD

       446 words, 3 minutes

I want my OpenBSD 6.4 services to authenticate users from a remote LDAP server ; namely a Synology Directory Server (DSM 6.2.x). It turns out that this a standard OpenLDAP 2.4.x configured to accept replication refreshAndPersist mode. So let’s configure a Primary / Secondary Replication system between Synology and OpenBSD.

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Upgrade to OpenSMTPD 6.4.0

       423 words, 2 minutes

It’s no secret that configuration for OpenSMTPD changed a lot with version 6.4.0. Despite the fact that changes were announced long time ago and that many configuration examples have popped-up, my particular usage wasn’t covered(1). Namely: using OpenSMTPD with Dovecot and Rspamd as chained MTA.

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Upgrade encrypted OpenBSD 6.3 to 6.4 on Vultr hosting

       209 words, 1 minutes

Another OpenBSD release, another upgrade on the Vultr hosting system. The whole process went smooth from OpenBSD 6.3 to 6.4 with encrypted root.

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Cleaning InfluxDB measurements with mixed Tags and Fields

       463 words, 3 minutes

While experimenting with Telegraf, SNMP and InfluxDB, I ended up filling some measurements with tags and fields that have the same name. InfluxDB works nicely with such user-case by adding numbers (in format “_###”) to those keys. But that’s a mess to deal with when using Grafana. And a mess in general.

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