A nice thing I like about macOS is that it automatically mounts CIFS shares from my Synology NAS. OpenBSD doesn’t seem to have any mounting utilities for SAMBA shares any more. But it can mount NFS shares. And those can be automatically mounted and unmounted using the amd(8) stock tool. So let’s configure the OpenBSD instances for automounting NFS shares.Continue reading...
When it comes too keeping informed about the (IT) world, I tried using Twitter ; and found it to be too noisy. I tried using newsboat ; but it’s not nice when you only have a phone. I tried using Feedly and Scoop.it ; but it often seems slow and redundant ; when not off-topic. Then I tried IFTTT to get my RSS feeds items send by email. And it worked really nice for a month a two. Then suddenly… it stopped working. No error message in the console, no error email, nothing… Strain As A Service…
Then I discovered rss2email. And guess what… it’s available on OpenBSD . So I went for it. Simple and straightforward: configure the RSS feeds and receive the items in your mailbox.Continue reading...
The french company OVH provides Kimsufi dedicated servers. The KS-10 ships with Intel® Core™ i5-2300 and 16GB DDR3 of RAM. The main drawback is that there is no KVM-IP or HTML console. This means you can’t run FDE configuration. AFAIK. But in case you don’t care, there’s a way to install the “unsupported” OpenBSD release on those machines.Continue reading...
OpenBSD 6.5 advertises for an installer improvement: rdsetroot(8) (a build-time tool) is now available for general use. Used in combination with autoinstall.8 , it is now really easy to do automatic upgrades of your OpenBSD instances.Continue reading...
I’m using unbound(8) on OpenBSD to block Ads . In the logs, I can see which domains were queried and blocked ; but I like to have a more graphical overview of whats happening over weeks. So I stole a few ideas from the Pi-Hole Web Interface , routed the logs to InfluxDB via syslog-ng and rendered statistics using Grafana.Continue reading...