I got myself a TECLAST F7 Plus laptop. It comes preinstalled with Windows 10 but I planned to use it as my daily driver. So I installed OpenBSD 6.8 on it.Continue reading...
WireGuard is a new coming to OpenBSD 6.8 and it looks like a simple and efficient way to connect computers.
I own a few VPS (hello Vultr, hello OpenBSD.amsterdam) that tend to be connected through filtered public services and/or SSH tunnels. And that’s neither efficient nor easy to manage. Here comes the wg(4) era where all those peers will communicate with a bit more privacy and ease of management.Continue reading...
I already run Domoticz using a Synology package and a couple of docker containers. But this is complicated to maintain. And the Syno App doesn’t seem to be updated frequently. Not being said the management of the USB sticks is quite random.
So I decided to get myself a Raspberry Pi 4 and run everything from there.Continue reading...
I own laptops with a French keyboard. And when my Cloud servers reboot for maintenance, I have to enter their FDE passphrase. This is done by some VNC-like stuff that don’t work well with non-US layout keyboard.
Here’s a few minimalistic options to switch keyboard layout on OpenBSD.Continue reading...
These days, I try to use simple and stock software as much as possible on my OpenBSD laptop. I’ve been playing with cwm(1) for weeks and I was missing a status bar. After trying things like Tint2, Polybar etc, I discovered @gonzalo’s termbar . Thanks a lot!
As I love scripting, I decided to build my own.Continue reading...