
Create your personal PDF newsletter

       852 words, 4 minutes

You lead an association, a virtual shop or are a semi-professional performer and want to advertise about what you did and will do? What about sending a newsletter to your users and prospects. This article will be part of a short series that should briefly explain you how to create a simple newsletter. In this first writing, we’ll create a PDF file, using common desktop tools, that may be attached to an e-mail.

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Pretty 404 pages on WordPress

       171 words, 1 minutes

Since my Web site was created, it ran various rendering software ; each of those generated URL that Google sometimes seems to remember. Many of those URL aren’t relevant nowadays ; although the information may still be there on the Web site. Here’s how I deal with the “404: Page not found” error on WordPress:

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Joomla on Mac OS X

       170 words, 1 minutes

I have to take care of Frederic Mejias’ Martial Arts School website . It historically runs on Joomla. I personally probably wouldn’t have use that piece of … software but the choice isn’t mine :p So starting using/modifying that beast, I installed an instance of my MacBook Pro. What you’ll need is a Web server capable of running PHP and a SQL database. Once you finished saying that, the quickest thought is Macintosh, Apache, Mysql and PHP.

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Firefox as default Web browser on Mac OS X

       153 words, 1 minutes

It’s been a few weeks that Safari bugs me… It’s damn slow when starting (with 5 tabs), when a tabs reloading I can’t use any of the other… I don’t know exactly what happens but even last update (v5.0.4) doesn’t solve anything. I thought it might be my installation but Firefox has no issue at all. So it’s time to make Firefox my default OS X web browser.

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NetBSD/xen on Dell Inspiron 10

       158 words, 1 minutes

It’s now been two days I’m running TuM’Fatig on my Dell Inspiron Mini 10 . The AIRIS N1110 has died so I just took the RAM and disk out of it and plug both in the Mini. Just modify the ifconfig files and here we go.

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