
Convert a Xen disk image to VMware

       116 words, 1 minutes

I run my production virtual machines on NetBSD/xen. But I’m doing all the testings on VMware Fusion. Last week, I wanted to grab my production machine and tweak it from my testing environment. Here’s how to convert and use a xen disk image on VMware software:

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Redirect a moved URL

       384 words, 2 minutes

When a Web site is modified, there are some pages that disappear or move. Either because you change the content manager or because you rearrange your Web pages, some of them may become unavailable. Nobody likes 404 pages, neither the users, nor Google bot. Here’s how to tell both of them when an URL has permanently moved or was just deleted.

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Create another semi-pro HTML newsletter

       578 words, 3 minutes

In the previous “Create your semi-pro HTML newsletter” article, we’ve seen how to use an HTML template to create and send newsletters. We also seen that, sometimes, it doesn’t render nicely. This article is going to give you directions that should correct this.

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Create your semi-pro HTML newsletter

       1752 words, 9 minutes

We’ve already seen how to create a PDF newsletter and how to create a HTML newsletter from within Thunderbird . Both methods work but neither are, nowadays, used in the professional world. First of all, the PDF method is destination independent but requires some PDF generator and provides the user with a mail saying “here’s the information”. The second method is closest to the “Web 2.0” user experience. But the native editor we used is quite complicated to use and generated moderate sexy outputs. In the article, I’ll detail how to achieve semi-pro newsletter such as the one you get from on-line vendors.

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Create your personal HTML newsletter

       1859 words, 9 minutes

We’ve recently seen how to create your personal PDF newsletter . It is quite a nice way of dealing with newsletter. However, you may wish to send e-mail containing the newsletter rather than email with an attaches. In this article, I’ll show you how to produce the newsletter straight from your e-mail client. Because I’m an Open Source software believer, I’ll show you how to do it using Mozilla Thunderbird. Other mail client should work but, this time, you’re on your own.

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