
Expand a Synology Hybrid RAID volume

       504 words, 3 minutes

I own a Synology DS409slim with two 1TB Toshiba and two 500GB Western Digital disks. Configured using SHR (Synology Hybrid RAID), it allows one volume split on those four disks. I bought this NAS because it uses 2.5" disks and because of the SHR feature. I had one 1TB Toshiba in my MacBook but I took it off and planned on putting it in the NAS, replacing one of the 500GB disk. Here’s what happened.

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Boot Mac mini G4 from USB

       347 words, 2 minutes

Don’t know why but my Tiger’s DVD won’t load in my Mac mini PowerPC G4… Hopefully, I can read it from another DVD drive, namely my MacBook Pro’s one. Here’s how I booted the mini from a USB key to reinstall Mac OS X.

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Using NetBSD as a Gnome workstation

       841 words, 4 minutes

After a quick review of OpenBSD as a workstation, I wanted to see what NetBSD was like. I’ve used NetBSD quite a lot for both servers and workstations. But since I got my MacBook Pro, two years ago, I only use NetBSD as servers. So I’m gonna have a look at NetBSD 5.1 and see if I could give this to my daughter.

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Three ways to backup your Thunderbird's mail

       796 words, 4 minutes

This article will present three ways of backing up the e-mails stored with Thunderbird. This could be needed for safety or to recover from a computer outage. The examples will use Thunderbird 3 on Windows XP. But this should apply to any Thunderbird version. The files location may vary according to the OS you’re running.

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Upgrade SOGo to 1.3.6

       277 words, 2 minutes

I’m running SOGo 1.3.5 on a Debian GNU/Linux 5 with the Web front-end installed on NetBSD 5. Today is the day when I upgrade SOGo to 1.3.6.

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