Bored with a couple of issues with my MacBook Pro, upgraded from Mountain Lion to Yosemite via Mavericks, I decided to reinstall the whole thing. I didn’t restore system parameters from Time Machine as I believe there were blobs lying there. After installing VMware Fusion 7.1.1 from scratch, I opened my previous Windows VMs and discovered my french keyboard wasn’t mapped correctly…Continue reading...
Since I’m using a Mac to connect to remote Windows servers, I get mapping issues with my french keyboard. I’ve tried various software and each time, the “@” keys outputs “²” and “-” keys turns into the “=” character. But I finally got the software / configuration couple that brings nearly normal use of the french keyboard from Mac to Windows using TSE.Continue reading...
So it seems DS409slim, faked as DS411j, is a bit too slim for DSM v5. So let’s rollback to the official (nearly) supported version.
First thing to do is to decide which DSM v4 to go for. Looking at the Release Notes, 4.2-3211 is the last common firmware version (between 409slim and 411j). Previous version is 4.2-3202
Log in the DS409slim using SSH.
dharma> cp -p /etc.defaults/VERSION /etc.defaults/VERSION.orig dharma> cp -p /etc/VERSION /etc/VERSION.orig dharma> cat /etc.defaults/VERSION majorversion="4" minorversion="2" buildphase="0" buildnumber="3202" smallfixnumber="0" builddate="2013/03/04" dharma> cp -p /etc.defaults/VERSION /etc/VERSION Download 4.2-3211 firmware for DS411j.Continue reading...
I’ve been using Bind as a primary, slave or cache name server for all my IT life. But it seems Bind is being kicked out of OpenBSD. So far so good, I’m gonna use what’s provided by my favorite OS to do the job.
Here’s how to use nsd and unbound daemons to serve as an internal authoritative DNS nameserver and DNS resolver. Both will be running on the same machine.Continue reading...
My DS409slim is really slow since I faked it as a DS411j and installed DSM v5 on it. An option could be configuration issues. So I decided to reset the whole configuration. But I need to keep all that are stored on the SHR-RAID. It is quite straight forward. But here’s the no-so-short story.Continue reading...