
Upgrade to OpenSMTPD 6.4.0

       423 words, 2 minutes

It’s no secret that configuration for OpenSMTPD changed a lot with version 6.4.0. Despite the fact that changes were announced long time ago and that many configuration examples have popped-up, my particular usage wasn’t covered(1). Namely: using OpenSMTPD with Dovecot and Rspamd as chained MTA.

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Upgrade encrypted OpenBSD 6.3 to 6.4 on Vultr hosting

       209 words, 1 minutes

Another OpenBSD release, another upgrade on the Vultr hosting system. The whole process went smooth from OpenBSD 6.3 to 6.4 with encrypted root.

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Cleaning InfluxDB measurements with mixed Tags and Fields

       463 words, 3 minutes

While experimenting with Telegraf, SNMP and InfluxDB, I ended up filling some measurements with tags and fields that have the same name. InfluxDB works nicely with such user-case by adding numbers (in format “_###”) to those keys. But that’s a mess to deal with when using Grafana. And a mess in general.

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Running Telegraf on OpenBSD

       398 words, 2 minutes

I tried to run InfluxData Telegraf on OpenBSD 6.2 but it wasn’t available in the Ports nor was I able to compile a binary from sources. But the latter has changed since I have an OpenBSD 6.3 instance running. Here’s how to compile and run Telegraf on OpenBSD.

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SMS alerts to Free Mobile using Synology

       277 words, 2 minutes

Synology DSM can be configured to send notifications on various events. It can use Email, SMS and Push Service. I usually use email notifications to check for status. But here’s how I configured SMS notification for critical events using the French mobile operator “Free Mobile”.

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