If you like the Linux Mint look but you run OpenBSD, you’re only a few ops to getting a pretty green desktop.Continue reading...
And suddenly, I felt like Monit Web interface was using too many pastel colors… Looking at the manpage, the HTML source and the source code, it was clear that it couldn’t be themed without a source modification and compilation ; and that’s not fun. But what’s fun is to rewrite the CSS on the fly so that stock-Monit just looks much better, to my eyes.
My Monit runs on localhost and is published by an Apache ProxyPass directive ; which supports live substitution. This is what I needed to replace the CSS.Continue reading...
After migrating my users from local DSM base to Directory Server, I ended with shares full of inconsistent permissions and ownership. Rather than clicking 10 000 times in DSM, I decided to do the stuff via SSH using syno console tools.Continue reading...
I have just discovered some issues with my previous article on OpenLDAP replication between Synology DSM and OpenBSD OpenLDAP.
In the end, it is not possible to log-in on the OpenBSD LDAP instance using the original userPassword. Short story: CRYPT seem to not be various-platform-compatible.Continue reading...
I want my OpenBSD 6.4 services to authenticate users from a remote LDAP server ; namely a Synology Directory Server (DSM 6.2.x). It turns out that this a standard OpenLDAP 2.4.x configured to accept replication refreshAndPersist mode. So let’s configure a Primary / Secondary Replication system between Synology and OpenBSD.Continue reading...