I had difficulties running Linux as a virtual machine using OpenBSD vmd(8). Ubuntu LTS crashed during installation wizard, Debian 9 does not seem to ship with virtio drivers, Alpine randomly freezes the console and Slackware … well slack has not been updated in years. Arch Linux seems to run well. And as I didn’t find a complete guide to install and run it using OpenBSD vmd(8), here are my notes.Continue reading...
Now that I have an OpenBSD server hosted in the Wild and capable of doing virtualization , I’ll migrate all my VM hosted on Synology Virtual Machine Manager. But even if the OpenBSD installer is straight forward, deploying tens of VM takes some time. So I set up an automated environment that provides fast and (nearly) finger-less deployment.Continue reading...
Online by Scaleway provides dedicated servers in France. The start-2-L reference is a “small” server that ships with KVM over IP. It is based on SuperMicro X11SSE-F . So far, the hardware seems to be supported pretty well and it is possible to run OpenBSD with Full Disk Encryption.Continue reading...
A nice thing I like about macOS is that it automatically mounts CIFS shares from my Synology NAS. OpenBSD doesn’t seem to have any mounting utilities for SAMBA shares any more. But it can mount NFS shares. And those can be automatically mounted and unmounted using the amd(8) stock tool. So let’s configure the OpenBSD instances for automounting NFS shares.Continue reading...
When it comes too keeping informed about the (IT) world, I tried using Twitter ; and found it to be too noisy. I tried using newsboat ; but it’s not nice when you only have a phone. I tried using Feedly and ; but it often seems slow and redundant ; when not off-topic. Then I tried IFTTT to get my RSS feeds items send by email. And it worked really nice for a month a two. Then suddenly… it stopped working. No error message in the console, no error email, nothing… Strain As A Service…
Then I discovered rss2email. And guess what… it’s available on OpenBSD . So I went for it. Simple and straightforward: configure the RSS feeds and receive the items in your mailbox.Continue reading...