Once again, I was wandering on r/unixporn when a screenshot raised my attention. It was probably featuring a obscure window manager that I would never use but I felt like I could tune my beloved WindowMaker to not look so 1990.Continue reading...
The Partaker H2 is a kind of Protectli FW6D clone on steroids ; at least when it comes to the 11th Gen Intel CPU. The overall systems are quite similar according to the sheet specs. And the Partaker runs OpenBSD really nicely.Continue reading...
My new OpenBSD server / toy is a fanless barebone that is supposed to be connected to an HDMI monitor and a USB keyboard. The serial console port is only available since OpenBSD boots.
So I decided to assemble a KVM using a Raspberry Pi Zero and the PiKVM software to be able to gain full access to the BIOS and bootloader via the network.Continue reading...
Quick note on using rsync(1) to move data from one place to another.
For some reasons, I am moving my backup storage volume from one place to another. It is quite big and it takes more than 24H to copy. And as I don’t want to stop running the backup in the meantime, I have to be able to resynchronize the whole set of data several times. So I decided to use rsync(1).Continue reading...
Slackware Linux was my first Linux distribution. I can’t recall if it was 1.x or 2.x. Anyway, I’ve always loved that distrib. Since Slackware 15.0 has recently been released and I’ve not been using Linux as a desktop since decades, let’s experiment with it.
I’ll install it on my ThinkPad T460s using Full Disk Encryption.Continue reading...