
Running OpenBSD on Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W

       781 words, 4 minutes

I had that Raspberry Pi Zero 2 W lying in a box. And because I changed my network configuration, I decided I could use that Pi as a DNS et DHCP server. But I also wanted to take benefits from my POE switch. It turns out to be really simple, with the proper hardware. Here are the notes.

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Discovering SmartOS as a Home Hypervisor

       1811 words, 9 minutes

Doing some tidying in my network, computers and VPS collection, I went looking for a piece of software that could be used : at home, as a file server, a backup server and a VM lab. at colloc, as an hypervisor. I (re)discovered SmartOS and decided to look at how it would fit or not. I keep my notes here.

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Using OpenBSD relayd(8) as an Application Layer Gateway

       2935 words, 14 minutes

I was lucky enough to attend to EuroBSDCon 2023 and offered the opportunity to talk about one of my favorite OpenBSD stock daemon: relayd(8). The talk was recorded and made available on the EuroBSDCon YouTube channel. . One may check the EuroBSDCon 2023 program for more material. This post attempts a reboot of the slides content in a more browser-friendly format.

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Postmortem: a Mastodon outage, Backup restore and preventive Maintenance

       819 words, 4 minutes

After reading about Mastodon UI theming options, I decided to follow the directions from the TangerineUI-for-Mastodon project to get another look’n’feel on my instance. The directions were pretty clear and short, so I went for them. But something failed during assets compilation process. And my Mastodon instance got wrecked. As a personnal “challenge”, I decided I would write a software post-mortem about this event. The end of the document will also summarize actions that were taken during post-backup-restoration maintenance phase.

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Self-hosting Pixelfed on OpenBSD

       1894 words, 9 minutes

In case you don’t already know, Pixelfed is a media sharing oriented solution that federates with Fediverse using the ActivityPub . And I like it also because it is based on PHP. This makes it quite simple to be hosted on OpenBSD. And here’s how I do this.

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