Switching Xorg keyboard layout on OpenBSD
449 words, 3 minutes
I own laptops with a French keyboard. And when my Cloud servers reboot for maintenance, I have to enter their FDE passphrase. This is done by some VNC-like stuff that don’t work well with non-US layout keyboard.
Here’s a few minimalistic options to switch keyboard layout on OpenBSD.
Of course, if you run a complex DE, like Gnome, KDE or even XFCE, there is a graphical tool that allows switching keyboard layout. But when using cwm(1), you have to dig elsewhere.
Configuring an Xorg alternate keyboard layout
Although Xorg on OpenBSD works out-of-the-box, you can add extra
configurations. Reading xorg.conf.d(5), one may discover that directories such
as /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d
and /usr/X11R6/share/X11/xorg.conf.d
may be use to
add extra configuration. As the latter already exists, I used it to add my
keyboard configuration:
# cat /usr/X11R6/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/60-keyboards.conf
Section "InputClass"
Identifier "Multiple keyboard layouts"
MatchIsKeyboard "on"
Option "XkbLayout" "fr,us"
Option "XkbOptions" "grp:alt_shift_toggle"
After restarting Xorg, the keybindings Alt
+ Shift
allows to switch between
FR and US layout.
This is nice and easy but I didn’t found a way to query (and print) the actual layout value. So I reverted the Xorg configuration ; by simply deleting the 60-keyboards.conf.
Using scripts to switch and query keyboard layouts
The stock tool named setxkbmap(1) allows setting, switching and querying keyboard layouts. So I first wrote a simple script that switches between FR and US layouts:
# cat ~/scripts/switchkb.sh
# Switch keyboard layout
_dkbd="fr" # Default layout
_akbd="us" # Alternate layout
[[ "$(setxkbmap -query | awk '/^layout:/ { print $2 }')" == "$_dkbd" ]] \
&& setxkbmap -layout $_akbd \
|| setxkbmap -layout $_dkbd
exit 0
My default layout is FR. When I run it once, the keyboard switches to US layout. When I run it twice, the keyboard layout is back to FR. Loop.
That script is binded to 4-k
(aka Win
+ k
) in my cwmrc(5) file
# cat ~/.cwmrc
bind-key 4-k "~/scripts/switchkb.sh"
I also added a function to my termbar implementation that would show me the current keyboard layout:
# cat ~/scripts/termbar
function kbd {
echo -n " $(setxkbmap -query | awk '/^layout:/ { print $2 }')"
Using desktop notifications
Another option to get the current keyboard layout is to use desktop notification. With cwm, a nice notification system is dunst(1). After a small modification in the switch script:
# Switch keyboard layout
[[ "$(setxkbmap -query | awk '/^layout:/ { print $2 }')" = "fr" ]] \
&& ( setxkbmap -layout us; notify-send 'Keyboard' ' US' ) \
|| ( setxkbmap -layout fr; notify-send 'Keyboard' ' FR' )
exit 0
the layout switch will trigger a visible alert.