I used to use “Featured Images” in my posts to illustrate the main tag. Now that I changed my theme (namely Twenty Fourteen), those icon-sized images don’t show up well. I decided to simply drop them all so that nothing is displayed by the theme. This is done easily using MySQL:Continue reading...
Monit is small, monit is fast, monit is installed on each of my servers. Unfortunately, I couldn’t found a package for Synology DSM 6. Hopefully, DSM is based on Linux and Monit provides binaries. So let’s install, run and monitor DSM using Monit.Continue reading...
I took the time to switch from OpenBSD 6.2 to 6.3 on my Cloud instance with encrypted disk. As usual, it went smooth and troubleless. For the record, here are the directions.Continue reading...
Once upon a time, the collectd database was hosted on the dagobah InfluxDB 1.4.x server. Then came the moment when it had to be migrated to the hoth server. The backup and restore process happened this way…Continue reading...
By default, a DHCP client gets an IP address, a network gateway and a DNS server. That’s fine most of the time. But if you own an OpenBSD cloud instance that has to use DHCP to get online, you might not be satisfied with the domain-name-servers option provided by your DHCP server. Hopefully, OpenBSD provides an easy way to force your DNS:
# viĀ /etc/dhclient.conf (...) prepend domain-name-servers; Since then, OpenBSD will use our DNS resolver. Which is… unbound(8)Continue reading...