Looking to replace my old Postfix/Dovecot configuration with more native OpenBSD stuff, I finally ended with a configuration than seems suitable to me. I’ll be hosting virtual users and mail aliases in ldapd(8), smtpd(8) will deal with email receiving/sending and dovecot(1) will be in charge of email delivery using LMTP and email reading using IMAP. Of course, spamd(8) will do a bit of work in front of OpenSMTPD. All of those will run on OpenBSD 5.7.Continue reading...
I started replacing Bind with nsd/unbound on previous OpenBSD release. Now it’s time to update to OpenBSD 5.7 and ensure it still works.Continue reading...
I wrote about running unbound and nsd on OpenBSD 5.6 here .
The other day, the VM that runs those went to DDB. On reboot, I got the following error message :
unbound: [16897:0] error: ldns error while converting string to RR at15: Syntax error, could not parse the RR's type: spamd: \\[priv\\] unbound: [16897:0] error: failed to load trust anchor from /db/root.key at line 1, skipping unbound: [16897:0] error: failed to read /db/root.key unbound: [16897:0] error: error reading auto-trust-anchor-file: /var/unbound/db/root.key This means “root.key” went broken. To rebuild it, simple run those:Continue reading...
Those are my notes about configuring OpenSMTPD 5.4.4 and Dovecot 2.2.15 on OpenBSD 5.7. I’ve setup virtual domains and users. In this simple configuration, the virtual users are matched with local users for mail delivery. SMTP submission is authenticated and passwords for all mail services are stored in usual system files. Of course, mail reception is protected by spamd. Here are the directions.Continue reading...
Bored with a couple of issues with my MacBook Pro, upgraded from Mountain Lion to Yosemite via Mavericks, I decided to reinstall the whole thing. I didn’t restore system parameters from Time Machine as I believe there were blobs lying there. After installing VMware Fusion 7.1.1 from scratch, I opened my previous Windows VMs and discovered my french keyboard wasn’t mapped correctly…Continue reading...