Today is the day when my SMTP server didn’t want me to relay mail after authentication… This is probably my fault as I may have change something without remembering it. Anyway, here the commands to use to talk SMTP to your favorite server.Continue reading...
Here’s the configuration I use to run OpenBSD 4.9-beta on my NetBSD/xen server (NetBSD 5 with Xen 3.3.1). Since OpenBSD doesn’t provide a Xen-aware kernel, I run it using HVM.Continue reading...
When I want to check if an IMAP server is working properly, I telnet it and run basics commands. Here are (IMAP) commands that I keep using.Continue reading...
On my way to move from Zarafa to SOGo, I needed a way to migrate my e-mail between the two systems. Both provides IMAP capabilites and that’s the service I’m gonna use to move the data.
You can either copy/move the e-mail manually using your favorite IMAP client or automate the migration using imapsync.Continue reading...
If I don’t specify anything, OpenVPN pushes the openvpn domain to my (Mac) client. This makes short name resolution buggy. To avoid FQDN resolution when connecting to my LAN servers, I specify the DNS domain my VPN client should be part of:Continue reading...