Migrate your IMAP data
459 words, 3 minutes
On my way to move from Zarafa to SOGo, I needed a way to migrate my e-mail between the two systems. Both provides IMAP capabilites and that’s the service I’m gonna use to move the data.
You can either copy/move the e-mail manually using your favorite IMAP client or automate the migration using imapsync.
Here are simple examples to show you how it works.
Test drive
You can simulate the command w/o any damage ; just use the --dry
# imapsync --host1 zarafa.tumfatig.net --ssl1 --user1 joe --password1 MASKED \
--sep1 / --prefix1 "" --host2 www.tumfatig.net --ssl2 --user2 joe \
--password2 MASKED --folder INBOX --noauthmd5 --idatefromheader \
--skipsize --allowsizemismatch --dry
Time: 25 s
++++ End looping on each folder ++++
++++ Statistics ++++
Time : 28 sec
Messages transferred : 0 (could be 147 without dry mode)
Messages skipped : 0
Total bytes transferred: 0
Total bytes skipped : 0
Total bytes error : 0
Detected 0 errors
Copy the INBOX folder
Remove the --dry
option to really copy the e-mails. This will take a bit more time:
# imapsync --host1 zarafa.tumfatig.net --ssl1 --user1 joe --password1 MASKED \
--sep1 / --prefix1 "" --host2 www.tumfatig.net --ssl2 --user2 joe \
--password2 MASKED --folder INBOX --noauthmd5 --idatefromheader \
--skipsize --allowsizemismatch
Time: 129 s
++++ End looping on each folder ++++
++++ Statistics ++++
Time : 132 sec
Messages transferred : 147
Messages skipped : 0
Total bytes transferred: 25622686
Total bytes skipped : 0
Total bytes error : 0
Detected 0 errors
Copy a whole sub-folder
You may want to copy a single whole sub-folder. This would require the
First of all, get the exact name of the folder using raw IMAP commands:
# openssl s_client -connect zarafa.tumfatig.net:imaps
* OK Zarafa IMAP gateway ready
. login joe MASKED
. OK LOGIN completed
. list "" "*"
* LIST (HasNoChildren) "/" "INBOX"
* LIST (HasNoChildren) "/" "Archives/Free"
* LIST (HasNoChildren) "/" "Archives/Jobs/NetXP"
* LIST (HasNoChildren) "/" "Archives/Jobs/Altran"
* LIST (HasNoChildren) "/" "Archives/Jobs/Dell"
* LIST (HasChildren) "/" "Archives/Jobs"
* LIST (HasChildren) "/" "Archives"
* LIST (HasNoChildren) "/" "Trash"
. OK LIST completed
. logout
* BYE Zarafa server logging out
. OK LOGOUT completed
Now that you know the exact name of the folder you want to copy, just do it (c):
# imapsync --host1 zarafa.tumfatig.net --ssl1 --user1 joe --password1 MASKED \
--sep1 / --prefix1 "" --host2 www.tumfatig.net --ssl2 --user2 joe \
--password2 MASKED --folderrec "Archives/Jobs" --noauthmd5 \
--idatefromheader --skipsize --allowsizemismatch
Time: 29 s
++++ End looping on each folder ++++
++++ Statistics ++++
Time : 88 sec
Messages transferred : 240
Messages skipped : 10
Total bytes transferred: 12719525
Total bytes skipped : 134980
Total bytes error : 0
Detected 0 errors
That’s All Folks!