I recently discover a storage feature named “Data deduplication” also called “Deduplication”.
Quoting Wikipedia:
In computing, data deduplication is a specialized data compression technique for eliminating coarse-grained redundant data, typically to improve storage utilization. In the deduplication process, duplicate data is deleted, leaving only one copy of the data to be stored, along with references to the unique copy of data. Deduplication is able to reduce the required storage capacity since only the unique data is stored.
I was first thinking “well, a video/document/… is a file ; and a file is a sets of 0 and/or 1. Like a ZIP archive doesn’t care if it stores pictures or text files, I may be able to use deduplication to store my 32GB of personnal pictures into a smaller storage size… sounds great!”. That’s what I want to figure out.Continue reading...
I had issues with my Seagate Momentus 5400.6 500GB… It felt very slow… But it also only had 10% free space left…
It’s been two weeks I’m trying to work on this… Defragmentation, Onyx on the system… Maybe it’s just to full… Thank my Sanyo HD1010 for that… So let’s go for it… upgrading to 8GB of RAM (from stock 4GB) and to TOSHIBA MK1059GSM 1TB.Continue reading...
Really nice and complete summary of OSX shortcuts .
Kudos Dan!Continue reading...
Those are the commands I use to tell OSX to use my second hard drive as the /Users mount point.Continue reading...
Those are quick notes and thoughts about testing the Zimbra Collaboration Suite Appliance 6 (on VMware Fusion).Continue reading...