Move your OSX home folder to a second disk

       93 words, 1 minutes

Those are the commands I use to tell OSX to use my second hard drive as the /Users mount point.

# cd /Users  
# tar cpf - . | tar xpf - -C /Volumes/Utilisateurs/  
# diskutil info /Volumes/Utilisateurs  
# vifs  
# cat /etc/fstab  
UUID=D6AEEE52-89D7-34CE-A23B-6E81F76E54B1 /Users hfs rw 1 0  
UUID=ED1DAC49-5CB4-3F69-B8E9-342BBC20C5ED none hfs rw,noauto 0 0  

One might reboot in single-user mode to delete the previous /Users content. I personally prefer to leave it untouch in case something happens to my second disk. This would enable an easy start from the first disk only.